Friday, December 4, 2020

Book Review: Interior Voyages by Matthieu Salvaing

Interior Voyages by Matthieu Salvaing, Rizzoli New York, 2020. Photography © Matthieu Salvaing.]  

Matthieu Salvaing was only 16 years old when he created his first significant photographic work, a photo documentary set in Andalusia. Soon afterwards, he worked on a collaboration with Oscar Niemeyer, the famous architect; this friendship and new found collaboration helped to foster a love for architecture and interior design in Salvaing, which was soon reflected in  his photography work.

Today, Salvaing is best known for his distinct, unique eye that captures more than a simple interior: Salvaing's well-crafted style is designed to evoke feelings, emotions, and the unique personal styles associated homes, hotels and other distinct interior spaces.


Interior Voyages by Matthieu Salvaing, Rizzoli New York, 2020. Photography © Matthieu Salvaing.]

The interiors explored in 'Interior Voyages' are not only homes: they include hotels, old-fashioned film sets, creative spaces and more. Flipping through the pages is always a surprise, as you never know what location will show up next. One of the more interesting residences explored in this book is the home that Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra once shared, located in Acapulco; fans of these and other notable figures with distinct homes will no doubt enjoy them viewed through the highly creative, intimate lens of Matthieu Salvaing.

Interior Voyages by Matthieu Salvaing, Rizzoli New York, 2020. Photography © Matthieu Salvaing.]

The stunning high quality matte photographs featured in 'Interior Voyages' capture highly evocative moments in time. A seemingly forgotten corner of a luxury hotel; a old film set that evokes a world that has radically changed since its faux-walls were first erected; classical rococo interiors, filled with famous art and gilding; eclectic studio spaces, cluttered with art and supplies; and much more. Sometimes the photographs capture an entire room, but more often it captures something small, memorable, distinct. A corner, a table, a space you might find yourself drawn to in person.

One of the most intriguing features of 'Interior Voyages'--aside from the photographs themselves--is the page quality. Rizzoli is no stranger to high quality book production, but the stunning, smooth matte quality of the photography pages in this book jumps out immediately as soon as you open the book for the first time. They make it a true pleasure to flip through each page, taking in the evocative interiors and intricate details that Salvaing captures in every photograph.

Interior Voyages by Matthieu Salvaing, Rizzoli New York, 2020. Photography © Matthieu Salvaing.]

The book is a photography book in every sense of the word. There is a short introduction, and each interior is preceded by a location and several-sentence description; other than that, the book is simply a journey through Salvaing photographs, an experience to be savored.

If you are a fan of Salvaing's work, 'Interior Voyages' is an absolute must-buy. If you are a fan of interior design, interiors as a whole, and unique spaces captured through a highly creative eye, then I also recommend checking out 'Interior Voyages.'

[A review copy of this publication was provided to me by the publisher.]

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