Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Quick Treasure: Madame du Barry by Sir William Russell Flint

Sir William Russell Flint (1880 - 1969) was a Scottish illustrator who is best known for his paintings, illustrations and drawings of beautiful women. His most popular works were inspired by a visit Flint took to Spain, where he was impressed by the beauty and skill of Spanish dancers. But Flint also dabbled in soft, romantic historical portraits--which, like his paintings of Spanish dancers, were sometimes derided by art critics as being 'harshly eroticized.'

This portrait, titled 'Ray as Madame Du Barry,' features a beautiful woman--perhaps a model favored by Flint?--dressed as the illustrious Madame du Barry, last mistress of Louis XV.

image: 'Ray as Madame du Barry' by Sir William Russell Flint.
credit: hauk sven on Flickr

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