Friday, September 18, 2015

Donations for this year's Walk N' Roll for ALS

Every year, ALS of Michigan hosts a series of Walk n’ Roll events designed to help raise awareness and donations for people with ALS and their families. I am raising donations for the ALS of Michigan this year.
I went to my first Walk N’ Roll several months after my father passed away from the disease. The next year, we walked (and rolled) with the knowledge that my brother had been diagnosed and was now wheelchair bound. This year, we will walk again, just over a month after I saw my brother take his last breaths. 
ALS of Michigan is an essential organization to Michiganders diagnosed with this horrible disease. The association provides many difference services–from clinics to providing respite care to loaning out extremely important medical equipment that is sometimes not covered by insurance or simply takes too long to be processed by insurance companies to be of use to someone with ALS.

Please donate to this year’s Walk N’ Roll for ALS through my donation page.  I would like to raise as much as I can this year in honor of my brother.

There is no cure. There is no significant treatment. But you can make a difference by helping ALS of Michigan give people with ALS a better quality of life.

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