Thursday, January 24, 2013

Something new?

(I apologize for the lack of updates this month; a family emergency has kept me from traditional blogging! I hope to resume my regular schedule next week with a new book review!)

I routinely check and other book publishers for signs of something 'new' in the Marie Antoinette book field. In particular, I've been on the lookout for updates in the final book in Juliet Grey's Marie Antoinette trilogy, which is estimated to release in the fall of 2013. There is something new on Juliet Grey's author page, titled "Confessions of Marie Antoinette: A Novel," set for publication in September. There's no summary as of yet, but I would imagine it is either a) the final book in the trilogy with a new name (the tentative title given at the end of the second book is The Last October Sky) or a possible rebranding of Becoming Marie Antoinette.What do you think?

Edit: It appears 'Confessions' is the third book in the trilogy, according to the book's Goodreads page!

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